Home F.A.Q. Throwing Cigarettes from Vehicles – The Truth!

Throwing Cigarettes from Vehicles – The Truth!

by Mark Nolan
1 minutes read

You may have read or heard in some English language medias that the DGT are clamping down on those who throw cigarettes from their vehicles.

This is an ongoing problem, and causes a lot of potentially deadly consequences, and so it is something which can result in a fine. The same applies for throwing anything from a vehicle incidentally.

However, in one English language publication, then amplified by others who simply repeat and copy stories without checking, they state that the fine is 200 euro and the loss of 4 points from the dicing licence. This is NOT TRUE.

The law was changed early in 2022, and the actual fine is 500 euro, and the loss of 6 points.

The penalty can be much higher, as can the consequences, and so although we applaud any warnings not to carry out this potentially deadly and catastrophic action, we also feel that the information must be correct.

You can find the full details of the change in the law on the DGT website, which one of the articles actually links to and still they got it wrong, presumably because they simply didn´t check, and we have a detailed article about smoking in cars in Spain here.

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